About ITS

We are committed to ensuring that the State of Mississippi receives the maximum use and benefit from information technology and services and to assisting our customers as they strive to reduce costs by capitalizing on shared technology and fully leveraging the State Data Centers to meet their technology needs.


David C. Johnson

After an illustrious tenure spanning four years as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and an impressive twenty-eight years of service within Mississippi's state government, David Johnson bids farewell to a career dedicated to public service. His departure marks the end of an era and prompts a moment of reflection on the significant impact and lasting legacy he leaves behind.

David Johnson assumed the role of CIO four years ago, entrusted with the monumental task of leading Mississippi's technological advancements during a global pandemic. Throughout his tenure, he navigated intricate challenges, embraced emerging technologies, and championed innovation to modernize government operations and enhance citizen services. Under his steadfast leadership, Mississippi achieved remarkable milestones, including the successful implementation of cloud-based solutions and robust cybersecurity measures, ensuring the efficiency and security of state services.

However, David Johnson's contributions extend far beyond his recent role. With a remarkable career spanning nearly three decades within Mississippi's state government, he has been a driving force behind numerous initiatives, leaving an indelible mark on various departments and agencies. From his early days as a dedicated public servant at Mississippi Department of Employment Services to his eventual elevation to the role of CIO, David Johnson consistently exemplified excellence, integrity, and a deep commitment to serving the people of Mississippi.

During his tenure, David Johnson witnessed and actively participated in the evolution of technology within the public sector to better serve constituents and streamline government operations. His ability to adapt to technology shifts while prioritizing the core mission of public service earned him the admiration and respect of his peers as well as leaders across Mississippi and nationally.

As David Johnson embarks on a new chapter in his life, the impact of his leadership and expertise will continue to resonate throughout Mississippi. His legacy serves as an enduring inspiration for future generations of public servants, underscoring the importance of innovation, collaboration, and an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of citizens.​