
We provide customers with technical guidance and assistance in the acquisition of information technology solutions that provide the best combination of functionality and cost while maximizing the compatibility of Mississippi’s information resources.


RFx 3160007142 for Procurement Modernization Advisory Council Consulting click this link Proposals in response to RFx3160007142: are due Friday, January 31, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. Central Time, these should be sent hand-delivery or mailed to 3771 Eastwood Drive, Jackson, MS 39211 for the acquisition of materials for the Procurement Modernization Advisory Council Consulting project with Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services.

RFx 3160007150 for Agency Alignment and Optimization Consulting Services click this link Proposals in response to RFx3160007150: are due Friday, January 31, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. Central Time, these should be sent hand-delivery or mailed to 3771 Eastwood Drive, Jackson, MS 39211 for the acquisition of materials for the Agency Alignment and Optimization Consulting Services project with Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services.

RFx 3160007113 for VoIP Material click this link Proposals in response to RFx3160007113: are due Friday, January 24, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. Central Time, these should be sent hand-delivery or mailed to 3771 Eastwood Drive, Jackson, MS 39211 or emailed to, for the acquisition of materials for the VoIP project with Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services.

RFx 3160007037 for Diesel Fuel System Repair click this link. Proposals in response to RFx3160007037: are due Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. Central Time, these should be sent hand-delivery or mailed to 3771 Eastwood Drive, Jackson, MS 39211 or emailed to, for the acquisition of materials for the VoIP project with Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services.

RFx 3160006188 for Strategic Planning Services has been cancelled.  ITS plans to issue another procurement for these services at a later date.

Express Products List (EPL) RFPs -- See this link for opportunities to respond to previously opened EPL RFPs that may allow for the periodic addition of new vendors.

​General RFPs -- See this link for opportunities to respond to previously opened General RFPs that may allow for the periodic addition of new vendors.

NASPO ValuePoint Solicitations -- See the link for Cooperative Purchasing RFPs sponsored by the National Association of State Procurement Officials.

RFPs and Sole Sources Advertised

Vendors are responsible for checking the ITS website up until the proposal opening time for amendments that ITS may issue. Vendor’s failure to respond to amendments may result in the proposal being disqualified. All documents relative to specific RFPs and Sole Sources may be viewed and/or downloaded at no charge by clicking on the solicitation number.

RFPs and Sole Sources Closed

The following is a list of RFPs and Sole Sources recently solicited by ITS. The opening of these proposals has already occurred. The purpose of this information is to keep vendors who submitted proposals informed of major activities related to ITS solicitations after the opening. If you are interested in submitting solicitations to ITS, you may review the list of RFPs and Sole Sources currently being advertised.