
We provide customers with technical guidance and assistance in the acquisition of information technology solutions that provide the best combination of functionality and cost while maximizing the compatibility of Mississippi’s information resources.


ITS Express Products Lists Requests For Proposal (RFPs) are usually cyclical in nature. When one EPL RFP expires, it is usually replaced by a new RFP. Some EPLs RFPs also allow for mid-cycle updates. For these reasons, the following RFPs will remain available for download for vendor or client reference. Vendors may choose to use these RFPs for planning for the next cycle. 

Selecting the RFP# below will take you to the table for advertised RFPs and Sole Sources.  Once you find the RFP in question, click the link to access the specific RFP page.


RFP Brief Description

Originally Opened

Next due date to add new vendors 

Expiration Date

4342 Cabling EPL 12/03/2020 Accepting new vendors through July 31, 2025 11/30/2025
3760 IT Hardware EPL 06/11/2014

New Manufacturers sponsoring a reseller group may respond anytime up to February 1, 2023.

New Sellers are allowed to submit at 6-month intervals with proposals due by 3:00 p.m. Central Time August 3, 2021,  February 1, 2022,  August 2, 2022, and February 7, 2023.



3744 2 Way Radio EPL 07/03/2014

New Manufacturers sponsoring a reseller group may respond anytime up to March 31, 2022.

New Sellers are allowed to submit at 6-month intervals with proposals due by 3:00 p.m. Central Time November 15, 2021.

3748 E-911 EPL 08/01/2014

No new vendors accepted.

Published EPL is valid until one month after award of RFP No. 4426.

3774A Apple EPL​ ​N/A no longer available
3774D Esri EPL​ Resellers may apply to participate under Master Agreement​ 07/31/2022​
3774E Intergraph EPL   N/A 12/31/2024
3736 Microsoft Select 08/08/2014 No new vendors accepted 09/30/2022

This page was last updated  09/16/2022.