This web page provides information for technology vendors who are interested in doing business with the State of Mississippi.
Come Hear About Changes to the IT Hardware EPL
ITS will host a Virtual Meeting to discuss changes that are coming for this important purchasing option Thursday March 6th at 10:30. Use this link to access the meeting.
Vendor Communications for MAGIC
Department of Finance and Administration memo regarding vendor registration, Paymode, and bid opportunities.
How do I do business with the State of Mississippi?
This is our most frequently asked vendor question. This short narrative will get you started. Then we recommend that you read the more detailed Vendor Information in the link below.
Procurement Information for Vendors
After reading the "How do I do business" information above, new vendors will find the Procurement Information for Vendors section of the Procurement Handbook supplies additional details of the technology procurement process.
RFPs and Sole Sources Advertised
ITS RFPs and Sole Sources are advertised in the Jackson, Mississippi newspaper, The Clarion Ledger, usually on Tuesdays.
NASPO ValuePoint Solicitations
ITS is able to make cooperative purchases when deemed in the best interest of the state. NASPO, the National Association of State Procurement Officials, facilitates public procurement solicitations through ValuePoint. Vendors interested in those RFPs may access NASPO ValuePoint directly.
ITS Procurement Status, Award, and Approval Information
This page contains multiple views of information on the results of procurements conducted by ITS, including: RFP and Letter of Configuration information following proposal opening; ITS Board actions; Awarded vendors for ITS Express Products Lists; and a searchable database of current ITS CP-1 Acquisition Approval documents.
General RFPs
General RFPs are used internally by ITS for routine projects during the year. After the original opening date, proposals from additional vendors may be received and processed for validation throughout the year. These RFPs will remain available for download for vendor or client reference.
Public Records Requests
The ITS Public Records Policy and Procedures outlines the guidelines and procedures for requesting information possessed by ITS under the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983.
Procurement Handbook
The ITS Procurement Handbook is a searchable handbook of ITS procurement policies and procedures, filed in accordance with Mississippi's Administrative Procedures Act.
Mailing List of State Government Contacts
To request a Mailing List of State Government Contacts, please email our Public Records Officer specifying the list you need. Lists available are: 1) IT Directors, 2) Agency Purchasing Contacts, 3) Agency Heads.