
We provide customers with technical guidance and assistance in the acquisition of information technology solutions that provide the best combination of functionality and cost while maximizing the compatibility of Mississippi’s information resources.


​​EPLs are multi-vendor awards that meet Mississippi requirements for legal purchases. The use of EPLs is governed under Rule 206.2: 011-030  Procurement Instruments: Express Products Lists (EPLs) as stated in the ITS Procurement Handbook. EPL Interactives are searchable forms of the Express Products Lists.​

​EPL RFP Reference  Information​ - For Vendors
ITS Express Products Lists Requests For Proposal (RFPs) are usually cyclical in nature. When one EPL RFP expires, it is usually replaced by a new RFP. Some EPL RFPs also allow for mid-cycle updates. For these reasons, these RFPs will remain available for download for vendor or client reference. Vendors may choose to use these RFPs for planning for the next cycle. ​

IT Hardware EPL Interactive

Public Safety Video and Communication (PCVC) Systems EPL 4599

ITS is pleased to publish the new PSVC EPL 4599 for the acquisition of Body Worn Cameras, Dashboard Cameras, License Plate Readers, Two-Way Radio Systems, Surveillance Units, and Software, Equipment and related Support Services.

Software Agreements

  • ITS does not have a designated procurement instrument for Adobe purchases. You may make Adobe purchases using the NASPO Software Value Added Reseller Cooperative below or by following applicable purchasing laws. Regardless of the procurement mechanism, education entities may participate in the State's Cumulative Licensing Program (CLP) by providing the appropriate CLP number to your seller.
    • CLP for Education 4600037857 valid through August 13, 2025
  • Microsoft Purchases
  • NASPO Software Value Added Reseller Cooperative

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) EPLs

  • ESRI EPL 3774-D - Note:  ITS is working to provide a purchasing instrument for ESRI products to replace this EPL that expired on March 31, 2023.  In the interim, please contact the EPL Team if you need to make a purchase.
  • MapInfo EPL Master Agreement

Other Agreements

Two-Way Radio EPL Interactive

The Two-Way Radio EPL Interactive has been replaced by the Public Safety Video and Communications System (PSVC) EPL 4599