ITS Services

We partner with our customers and private sector companies to optimize the use of information technology resources for enhanced delivery of government services. ITS understands technology is the driving force behind your daily operations and we offer a full range of solutions designed to put technology to work for you.


​I​TS issued RFP 4350 seeking a pool of qualified vendors to provide security and risk assessment services for the information technology (IT) assets used by ITS and its customers. Specifications for RFP 4350 and a list of awarded vendors is provided below.  Please note that the Approved Vendor List includes a separate page for each of the awarded categories.  Security and risk assessment services from any of the awarded vendors may be acquired by any government entity in the State of Mississippi through the awarded contracts by following the Instructions for Use posted below.​

Please refer to the Instructions for Use document that provides details on how agencies and institutions of the State of Mississippi can use RFP 4350 to acquire the services provided in the description above.​

Vendor Price Lists:

As outlined in the Instruction for Use document, state agencies are required to obtain a signed "Certification of Destruction" document from the security assessment vendor.  The template is available below.